THE EXAMPLE OF secretarial

Posted by Unknown on Saturday 1 October 2011

The secretariat of this material we were taught about how to make a proposal of activities such as: 

Try out the synthesis 
Mos saba 2011 
For the parts of the proposal: 

Endorsement page 
Background activity 
Basic activities 
Name of activity 
The aim of 
Target activities 
Kinds of activities 
Things that should be considered in making sponsorship proposals 

Proposals should be as attractive as possible. 
The proposal does not have to like the proposal to the school or to instasi government. 
Proposals must be smaller than quarto paper 

After making a proposal we are also taught how to make a letter of agreement or MOU between the parties seponsor OSIS we come. 
Mesiki difficult, we should not complain when searching seponsor because it is a bit difficult. But do not worry because SMA 1 Bantul is well known. 


In addition to the MOU or letter of agreement we are also taught how to make a student council duties. 
The letter is very important task if it is used to perform tasks outside the school or other community agencies. 


The latter we are also taught to make LPJ or known by Accountability Report.Accountability is very important when osis create an activity that involves people or an agency. 
LPJ is used to convey the evaluation, the use of funds, and so forth. 


Osis our candidates are required to make the things above. 
We must be able to position dirikita where we are needed in OSIS atapun others. Not only the secretary who must be made to the above, but all board osis should be able to make the things above. 

The latter in this matter, we are required to make a proposal of an activity. 
An activity which will be formulated in proker OSIS.

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